Friday 27 August 2010

Train Fail

After  booking a train ticket for the HEA-ICS annual conference in Durham, this is the response I got:
Don't you just love inadequately-tested websites?

Monday 23 August 2010

Welcome Home

After a week of 40-degree temperatures on Kos, it was good to be greeted by cooler and more comfortable conditions. The two things that lodged in my travel-fatigued brain on arriving at Manchester Airport soon after dawn yesterday morning were me narrowly avoiding treading on the decapitated corpse of a mouse - presumably chewed up by the escalators - and the sight of a lass throwing her guts up just outside the terminal.

Welcome to Britain!

Tuesday 3 August 2010

Pomodoro Technique

Pomodoro TimerImage via Wikipedia
I've just started experimenting with Pomodoro Technique, partly in the hope of improving productivity and achieving a more sustainable working pace, partly as a way of rigorously embedding breaks from the keyboard and mouse into my working habits so as to stave off the dreaded RSI. Staffan Nöteberg's book Pomodoro Technique Illustrated is proving to be a useful and entertaining guide.
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